기업 이념 & 철학
Logical & Competitive Investment
모든 종류의 음악 권리를, 가장 경쟁력 있고 합리적인 가치에 매입합니다.
Flexible Scale
There are no lower and upper limits
on the purchase scale.
Total Management
We cover copyrights as well as neighboring
rights, and open to all right holders
who need funds for the creation and production.
We suggest the competitive price to the right
holders for their assets through the optimized
value assessment model and buying structure.
Respect, Protect and Grow
음악 권리의 가치를 있는 그대로 존중하고, 보호하고, 성장 시킵니다.
Risk Management
We protect the right holders from the reputation damage that may occur by the copyright split and dispersion.
Preservation, Protection, and Growth
We preserve and protect the own value of copyrights, and support the growth of artists, creators, and right holders by providing the most effective marketing strategy.
Rise in Value
We promote a greater increase in value of the copyrights with the right holders by the partial IP assignment.
Long-term partnership
안전하고 조용한 B2B 거래, 경영활동과 제작/창작에 지원, 재무적 투자, 자금 대여 등 권리자의 다양한 니즈에 맞춰 장기적 관계를 도모합니다.
Our Value to Partner
We strive to add value in our partnerships by continuously exploring new opportunities and by working together to create mutual sustainable value.
Safe IP Transaction
We prevent unnecessary conflicts and controversy caused by transactions.
Tax and Legal support
We provide the best assistance of the tax and legal issues to maximize the interests of right holders.
Beyond Music Co., Ltd.
E-mail : | Tel : +82-2-3443-5558
Location : 2F, 49, Hakdong-ro 23-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul